I recently watched a free online seminar by "Ramit Sethi" - a fantastic teacher and personal coach. Interestingly, you can pay thousands of dollars on his web site for personalized training/seminars, or you can watch his free stuff and receive huge value. I'm sure his services and products are well worth it in both results and value, but why not learn from the free stuff until you can afford it?
Here are my notes/thoughts from the seminar:
The topic is "10 success strategies", or something like that related to becoming successful selling information and/or self-help materials. I only walked away with the concepts for 9, so maybe I inadvertently combined two of them or something.
A dimension is a geometry concept. In our reality/space, there are four: left/right, front/back, up/down, and past/present/future. Any missing dimension makes the reality very small. All must be present to create a big space. In your success reality there are nine; all must be present to be a big success.
Dimension 1: Subject - this is the topic/skill/product; you have to know what it is.
What is it that I love to learn about?
What do you love to preach about?
What could you do and be happy about even if there was no money in it?
These questions need to have basically the same answer and some multi-year history in your life. If not, you're not ready. Instead of continuing here, go find a topic/subject/activity that you enjoy and are passionate about and start doing it.
Decide to OWN this online in the next 12 months.
Decide to concentrate on only this over the next 5 years with all your available time and energy.
Dimension 2: Stories - this is what you say/tell/do that connects your expertise/skill/product with people.
Which of each story type best fits your personality/experience/skills?
Story 1: Stories that explain my Credibility
1) The results story. Here is what I've accomplished.
2) The role model story. I live this way and communicate the way of life.
3) The reporter story. Tell other people's stories - interview and codify.
Story 2: Stories that connect to the audience
1) Been through the same challenges; empathize and understand.
2) Be human and share the struggles.
Stories differentiate brands and experts, and answer the question "How do I connect with people?". This answer is critically important to financial results.
Decide to excel in this area which will create a compelling connection with people and a loyal customer base.
Dimension 3: Strategies
Which strategy best fits your situation?
1) Your product improves life, grows businesses, etc.
2) You teach high performance; how to execute "with excellence", how to be #1 in the area.
3) You have a commodity product with a value added packaging, location, delivery method, support, price, etc.
4) You have an insurance product/information which gives or increases peace of mind.
5) You have a salvage product/information which reduces wasted resources.
Decide which strategy is the best fit for you and keep this in mind when working on the other dimensions.
Dimension 4: Sellable products
What are your sellable products (more is better)?
1) Books, eBooks, Audios, DVD's, physical goods
2) Webcasts, Webinars, Tele-seminars, Seminars, broadcast material, perishable products
3) Online coaching, Coaching, Masterminds, Speeches, customized products/information
Decide to create as many sellable products as possible because different customers connect with different media (not just YOUR favorite).
Dimension 5: A sales process
Do you have an online web site that does all of the following?
1) Adds value; online community contributed content and feedback.
2) Captures leads, follow up - the site automatically promotes like products to people likely to be interested.
3) Makes money - the site encourages recurring revenue via subscriptions, reminders, promotions, sales.
4) Is Automated, The site requires very little of your time.
Does your site have system and structure in place to collect payments, auto-respond, sequence of interaction? A customer should never have to wait for a human to review something.
How friendly is your "Shopping cart"?
Dimension 6: A social presence online
Do you have a presence and a following on all the major social media web sites?
1) Facebook
2) Blogging
3) Twitter
4) LinkedIn
Do you integrate social media tools into full automated online marketing campaigns, create bigger dialogs, etc.?
Does your site use the Facebook comments plug-in?
Dimension 7: Self Confidence.
Do you project confidence and belief in the value you provide?
Do you think big in spite of having a small business?
Do you believe in yourself and that your message and products are valuable?
"Nobody ever grew up wanting to be a critic." - Paula Abdul
"It is not the critic that counts, the credits belong to the man who is actually in the arena; there is no effort without error and shortcoming. The triumph of high achievement - cold and timid souls who never know victory or defeat - in either case lived and experienced life." - Teddy Roosevelt, April 23, 1910
Dimension 8: Self Discipline
Do you show up and "work" at it?
Do you have a great work ethic?
Decide to do whatever it takes and put in your time and energy.
Dimension 9: Service mindset
Do want to help people and care about the results of your products?
Do you lead and live through your heart?
It's important to monetize, but it's not why you do it. Customer service is important - it's what validates what you're doing.
Decide to accept your feedback and adapt as necessary.
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