Friday, November 9, 2012

Yesterday (PEST), Today (REST), and Tomorrow (GVC)

Yesterday I woke up and felt Post Election Stress Tension (PEST).  My neighbors were celebrating in the street; Facebook friends gleaming - many sharing pictures and statuses like they had defeated some evil or something.  It's sad to see the country so divided between rich and poor people; I'm in the "everybody should be a rich person" camp - I've been both and must say that rich far more comfortable, though admittedly, happiness comes from within.. 

Unfortunately, it's now a virtual certainty that will never happen in the US; the mass of poverty, class envy, racism, substandard education, and public assistance are growing and will accelerate at record rates - kind of like trying to go to work and finding out that  you have a flat tire; I don't usually celebrate - unless, of course, there's a required meeting I didn't want to attend.  Ah - maybe they were celebrating in the street because they didn't want to work or have prosperity?

Today, I accept that the country has changed - it probably changed while I was asleep a few years ago.  In the US, citizens who don't do their own research and/or don't want to be rich are now in the electoral majority. It's time to Redo Every Strategy Today (REST). 

Strategy before the change:
* Work in the US, get paid and hold US dollars.
* Invest in US companies.
* Own US property, pay property taxes
* Pay full taxes on all earnings and returns - without professional help.
* Have qualifications that add value in the US.

Strategy after the change:
* Work US and non-US companies and get paid and hold multiple currencies.
* Invest in non-US companies.
* Own no property, pay no property taxes.
* Pay professionals to (legally) minimize taxes.
* International certifications (from a business school in the UK).
* Create a global virtual brand presence for my product.

Tomorrow, I will be A Global Virtual Citizen (GVC).

My vote didn't count; I'm in the minority now.  The people have spoken; they decided expand poverty in this country - go for it.  I don't have to participate or pay for it.

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