Friday, November 30, 2012

We just want it to leave

Young man: "I wish this dinosaur would move!” hitting large lumbering animal with stick. "It never does anything AND eats too many leaves AND leaves big piles of unpleasant stuff all over the place; Grrr..."
Old man: "I wonder what the big fellow is up to", feeding the thing a sack of leaves.

Young man: "Why do you feed him? - He’s just dead weight. We've got a lot to do and he's not helping."

Old man: "Is it working against you?"
Young man: "No, it's just watching - occasionally moves something to big for us to handle; it's not enough to justify all the leaves though."

Old man: "How's the stick beating working out?"
Young man: "It moves a little every once in a while, but not very much; we just want to get rid of it."

Old man: "I see."

(Later in the day)
Young man: "Emergency! Emergency!  A pack of ten thousand rabid pack-rats that just came over the hill and we're going to loose everything!!"

Old man: "What are you going to do about that?"

Young man: "RUNNN!!!! We can’t stop ten thousand rabid pack-rats in less than an hour!"

Old man: Feeds the dinosaur another bag of leaves and whispers something in its ear.

Young man: "Hurry up - we've got to get out of here! - They’re almost in the valley."

Suddenly the dinosaur springs into flight and breathes fire down on the rabid pack-rats, killing them all and then lands and stomps the dead toasted carcasses into the dirt, at the same time clearing a new area for the village garden, and now it’s fertile ground.

Young man: "Hugh?  I didn't know a dinosaur could fly? And fire breathing?"

Old man: "It's not a dinosaur - it's a magic dragon.  He loves a good salad.  It’s had the fire thing for a while.  You should see the 50 caliper machine guns and 20 mm cannons in action; they’re awesome – and it has an impressive set of spells; it can turn a frog into a prince almost instantly."

Young man: "Why is it looking at me that way?"

Old man: "That's very odd.  It smiles at me; I wonder if the stick beating thing could have something to do with it?"

Young man: In danger, running away from the village as fast as he can, yelling, "IT'S NOT FAIR!”

(a different young man comes to town; has some new shinny tools, sounds really smart, and the village elders put him in charge.)

Old man: "Young man, please throw the old dinosaur a leaf every once in a while; and, um, it's probably not a good idea to hit it with a stick. I'm just saying..."
- That was funny.

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