Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Measurement of Negative and Positive Personal Growth

(Adapted from “POWER VERSES FORCE AN ANATOMY OF CONSCIOUSNESS The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior” by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.)

Which levels identify you in different areas of your life?

-8)  Shame: I feel humiliated, have low self esteem, and am paranoid. I say things like “I wish I were invisible”, “I’m worthless”, or “I suck”. I am overly rigid and/or a neurotic perfectionists. I feel a lot of misery.
-7)  Guilt: This is not my fault.  He/she/it/they are to blame.  My life is over because of what I did, but it wasn’t my fault.  I wish it had never happened. They were wrong.
-6) Apathy: I don’t care.  I can’t make any difference.  I don’t have anything so the rich people should give me some help.  I deserve it more than they do.  I abdicate, which means to give up one’s power to others. I don’t have any hope of making it.  Apathy is rooted from being forsaken in self and the world, resulting in nonchalance and jadedness towards the external world.  
-5) Grief: I feel regret, sadness and loss. I lost my loved ones, relationships, possessions, jobs, money, etc. I am mourning, feel remorse, and am hung up over what has occurred, etc. I see despondency and bleakness all around the world and in life. My life is tragic. Grief is a higher level than apathy, because at least I started feeling more at this level, albeit of sadness and loss.
-4) Fear: I have a lot of anxiety. I’m scared of rejection, failure, uncertainty, unexpected challenges, aging, death, loss, and strangers. Fear leads to paranoia and can turn into an obsession. I see everything uncertain as bad so I enter the state of withdrawal. I can’t grow personally.  I’m just trying to survive. The world is a scary place; I don’t know how to get ahead.
-3) Desire: I want more and I’m going to do what I have to do to get it.  I’m pursuing money and status for a better life.  I am a slave because I can’t get enough of what I want. I’m disappointed by everyone who is supposed to be taking care of me. Why can’t they just do right? Desire is a higher level than fear because at least I’m doing something, rather than withdrawing to a corner.
-2) Anger: I hate this situation.  I hate these people who don’t do what I say. I resent them; I’m frustrated, and I want revenge.  They make me so mad. My view of life is antagonistic.  I am hostile, unfriendly and act in opposition/rebellion against others.  Someday I’m going to be able to stick it to “the man”.
-1) Pride: I have a life.  I made something of myself.  I have dignity.  Why are people so stupid? If they would just take action, they could accomplish something worthwhile.  I have things and I work.  I demand justice.
0) Courage: I am responsible for who I am and where I am.  The world is exciting and full of possibilities.  I know what I need to do next and I’m doing it.  When I’m done with that, I’ll find out what’s next and keep going.
1) Neutrality: I am non-judgmental, objective and able to see things as they truly are.  I am not attached to possessions, situations, outcomes and can roll with the punches in life. If I can’t get something, then I am equally happy settling for something else.  I am not apathetic because I recognize my inner power and ability.  I don’t have to prove anything to anyone.  Nothing in this world can knock me down without my permission and I choose not to give it.
2) Willingness: I have a lot of optimism.  I am open to do anything and everything – I am not bounded by others’ judgments or by limitations. I am willing to take on menial jobs if I can’t get jobs elsewhere. I love to do things well (for the sake of it), rather than just doing things. I readily bounce back from set-backs, am easily adaptable and genuinely open to everyone. Success follows me effortlessly. I have an unwavering hope in a better future.
3) Acceptance: My decisions create my life experience.  I am the source of reality in my life, as opposed to relegating some part of it to someone else or a different entity. I am (1) aware of the social constructs present in my life, whether by family, society, nation, religion, work (2) able to discern against (limiting) beliefs, viewpoints and conditioning that surrounds me and (3) able to consciously craft a life above and beyond all these social constructs. My life is characterized by acceptance vs. rejection, seeking for resolutions vs. judging right or wrong, long-term vs. short-term view, engaging in life harmoniously on its terms vs. resisting it, striving for personal excellence and growth. I forgive and forget the bad and embrace the good.  All things happen for my eventual good.
4) Reason: I master understanding and rationality in my field of study/work. I seek out huge amounts of information and analyze it to infinitesimal detail before reaching conclusions.  I make a valuable contribution to society. Sometimes I over intellectualize concepts and theories. When differing theories clash and each argument is sound on its own, I can’t decide, leading to the inability to resolve discrepancies. I sometimes make excessive abstractions or get too preoccupied with data. I search for meaning in life.
5) Love: I give unconditional love – love that is pure, unfaltering, unwavering, not subjected to any external conditions and expecting nothing in return.   My love is not rooted in lust, desire, pride, control, addiction, attraction, jealousy and possessiveness.  It is not the opposite of hate, which is actually rooted in pride (desire for control/possessiveness).  I value the life of every person and work towards providing, protecting, and improving it.
6) Joy: I feel serenity and compassion. I have an inner joy that arises from every moment of existence rather than from an external source. I have enormous patience and an unwavering positive attitude in the face of harsh adversities. I see the world as one of perfection and beauty. I am motivated to dedicate myself to the benefit of life rather than specific individuals.  I have a noticeable presence.
7) Peace: I feel good. I see the world from a higher place, in slow motion, suspended in time and space, and everything is interconnected.  My perspective enables me to make a great contribution to this world.
Each of us is born into this world at a different level and therefore may have more to overcome.  Growth levels below zero are destructive in nature.  Growth levels above zero are constructive in nature.

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