Wednesday, April 3, 2013

First, second, third person

First person - Being in the moment; directly applying force/motion/attention to desired outcomes; directly reacting/responding to people/circumstances.

Second person - Being above the moment; in-directly applying strategies/actions/emotions with the side-effect of causing desired outcomes; being neutral to outside people/circumstances - modifying strategies when conditions change.

Third person - Being spiritual in nature; causing desired outcomes by unseen/unknown forces; effortlessly being unshakable and unstoppable at the same time.

In other words, 1) notice, 2) craftsman, 3) guru.

1) Happiness is uncertain and haphazard in the first person, because you depend on the environment for success or failure.  The uncertain future is dangerous because even achieving desired outcomes may have side-effects/unintended consequences that are far worse.

2) Happiness is likely and life is an honest employer.  You have to work to be aware of the changing environment and actively execute good strategy.  The future is a positive place.

3) Happiness is present now and certain in the future.  You haven't "worked" in years, but none-the-less accomplish far more than most imagine is possible.  Your peers are completely puzzled.


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