Friday, March 8, 2013

Hood life experience #29913

It's so interesting how moving from the suburbs to the city (hood) can bring me new life experiences.  Yesterday evening one of my housemates needed a ride back to the house from her (court ordered) class early because it was canceled. She wanted to stop at the 3rd Ave N shell (they call it "club shell") station. So I pulled up and she went in; the car next to me had a young lady (being generous) in it and she looked at me and started sticking her tongue out and it was like a "kiss" concert from the 70's.  She was clearly gesturing towards me with her tongue (it was huge!); I was thinking "what in the world?"  So I rolled down my window to figure out what was happening, at that point she pointed toward my housemate, then her tongue, then made a gesture that said "It's no good".  Oh my goodness - my housemate is a recovering 3rd avenue crack addict/prostitute who lived in the streets for years before my house.  I'm glad I was in the car because I would have been rolling on the ground laughing.  Tongue girl is apparently another prostitute, hating on my housemate, assuming I am a trick, trying to say my friend's work skills are no good.  In all my life, I never imagined the possibility of this experience...